
Hello to all of you who have stumbled across this site of pretty much nothing. It will be here in which I will be posting the latest news, builds and uhh....stuff. My latest build, as some of you may have seen on my server is a landscape. It's pretty simple but hopefully fun to play on. I have also been lucky enough to get beta rights for Gravity Cat's (BL_ID 16360) new weapon pack, planned to be released soon (all going well). 

I will be posting updates of my Landscape build every week or so, along with the latest news and weapons of Gravity Cat's new weapon pack, so keep checking here every now and then or drop by my server when it is up. 

Unfortunately the next 6-7 months will be my last on Blockland, as I have exams coming up in the next year so i really need to start playing more attention in class (dammit) and I want to try and concentrate on my soccer/football more. Even though it might be a little to early to say thank you's to people I would like to thank Gravity Cat, Tremrist, De-myx, Grayscale and a lot more who's names I cannot be bothered to find and type. It's been a blast with you all!